DesireI am finding that my deepest desires are less about me and more about the One who created me. View fullsize “The Desert”When guided by the Spirit, the desert is a place that is purposed for refinement and growth. It’s the place where I currently find myself, and even though it is barren and dry there is also life. It is not easily found, but with focus and humility it can be seen. In this desolate place is where the awareness of my deepest desires have been made known.Acrylic on canvas. 36” x 24”. Available—Contact. View fullsize “Living Water”Having this experience in the desert has led me to encounter a hidden thirst in my soul that I never knew existed. Jesus comes to offer access to the living water of the Holy Spirit and diving deep into the living water has given me a new refreshment to my heart and soul.Acrylic on canvas. 48” x 24”. Available—Contact. View fullsize “Stillness” Stillness has opened up the impossible to me. It has been a place of confronting my deepest fears and insecurities, but in that stillness it allows the Spirit to come in and crush them. After the battle has been fought and won, the stillness becomes a place of peace and tranquility leading to a more quiet and restful soul.Acrylic on canvas. 40” x 30”. Available—Contact. View fullsize “Legacy”The faith of those who have gone before me should not be forgotten. Even though their faith was flawed and imperfect, without the prayers from previous generations my faith wouldn’t be here it is today; I am living out their legacy.Acrylic on canvas. 16” x 20”. Unavailable. View fullsize “Remembrance”Recently, my grandmother passed away and she was my last living grandparent. This is a piece celebrating and honoring her life. Even though there has been loss and grief with her passing, there is also the excitement of seeing her again on the other side of eternity.Acrylic on canvas. 20” x 20”. Available—Contact.