AbidingSelf-awareness and discovery occur while waiting and resting in God’s presence. View fullsize “Hidden Strength”As I rest in the arms of the Almighty, His strength becomes my strength, but that is only known when I come to end of myself and embrace my limitations. Acrylic on canvas. 48” x 24”. Unavailable. View fullsize “Passion”As I lean into God’s presence, my desire and passion for Him grow deeper. My heart and soul become more satisfied in His gracious peace and compassion. Acrylic on canvas. 24” x 48”. Unavailable. View fullsize “Courage”In a time of fear, uncertainty, and confusion, true courage is found by choosing to move forward, facing the insecurities, and stepping into the unknown. Acrylic on canvas. 48” x 24”. Available—Contact. View fullsize “Endurance”During the raging storms of life that surround me and threaten to crush my hope, I can endure any obstacle by focusing my gaze upon God and relying on His saving grace.Acrylic on canvas. 48” x 24”. Available—Contact.