ReflectionsFrom time to time, the most remarkable beauty comes from the darkest pain. View fullsize “dismantled.”The feelings of loss and rejection can be overwhelming and, at times, devastating. Even when things are falling apart and the pieces seem to scatter, God is there in the midst of the brokenness and grief. Acrylic on canvas. 20” x 16”. Unavailable. View fullsize “Facing Reality”Facing reality can be a difficult thing to do, especially when there is a lot of pain and loss in that reality. In a world full of distractions and escapism, it is tempting to suppress and ignore the pain. But by facing reality and stepping into the hurt, that is where healing and freedom begin. Acrylic on canvas. 30” x 24”. Unavailable. View fullsize “Healed Wounds”Healing is not pretty, but it can be a beautiful process of restoration. The first step to healing is acknowledging the hurt and then embracing the pain. Acrylic on canvas. 30” x 24”. Available—Contact. View fullsize “Redemption”Redemption is full of light, darkness, violence, and hope. The cross is the intersection of my sin and Jesus’ atoning sacrifice—God’s salvation to redeem humanity.Acrylic on canvas. 36” x 24”. Available—Contact.